
Veshin Factory expands into footwear in Brazil

Written by NFW | May 29, 2024 5:25:32 PM

This week marks Veshin Factory’s fourth anniversary on this rollercoaster entrepreneurial journey. What better way to celebrate than to announce our expansion in footwear manufacturing in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.

Why footwear

Veshin has always been known for specializing in high-end/luxury handbags and accessories using next generation materials. However, on this journey since day one Veshin has continuously received requests to manufacture footwear. Making a handbag and making a shoe are completely different processes, however the materials are applicable to both.

Why Brazil

Through a networking call between Veshin Factory CEO Joey Pringle and Joshua Katcher from Brave GentleMan, Veshin learned that there was another factory set out with the same mission. After learning more about the work being done by Gabriel Silva & Ahimsa, Veshin’s CEO Pringle explored this opportunity further.

Meeting with Cisso Silva in Las Vegas

While exhibiting at the SOURCING at MAGIC show in Las Vegas, members of Veshin’s team met with members of Ahimsa’s team to discuss the potential of a partnership. It was clear to see the Silva family had huge hearts for people and the planet.

6 months later

Good conversations with the Ahimsa team followed Las Vegas and the two companies were clearly aligned. When Pringle decided to relocate back to Colombia, that presented an opportunity to finalize the partnership in Brazil. After a life-changing visit, it was clear that this was Veshin’s partner to expand into the world of footwear.

Our continued focus with NFW

One of the reasons why Veshin Factory was keen to partner with Ahimsa is their previous relationship with NFW. Brave GentleMan was the first successful brand to launch with MIRUM® and Ahimsa. Veshin is excited to work closer with the team at NFW to bring more collections to life.